Good Intentions Are Not Enough

"Our intentions create our reality" - Dr. Wayne Dyer

We all know what it’s like to start the year with a clear set of intentions. Some people call them resolutions, but it’s more about your intention to start something, or develop something you are already working on that gives you the best chance to make this your best year yet.

However, we also know that many good intentions get lost along the way, and usually it’s for a very good reason.

We don’t take the time to develop the clarity we need to succeed, and we don't take actions that get results.

By using the following format, you will develop a clear plan of action steps and if you set your calendar to update the list throughout the year, you will stand a greater chance of succeeding beyond your wildest dreams.

Before you begin, think about what your wish to accomplish in 2024.

Be ambitious, but realistic about what you can accomplish with the time and resources you have available.

You can wish for the stars, but the moon may be more accessible!

Just think...If you were just 1% better every day you will be 365% better by the end of the year.

Now that's worth shooting the moon for.

The following exercises are designed to create a roadmap to success in 2024.



What are your INTENTIONS for 2024?  Be specific. Once you have written down your intentions, take them in order of priority.


In this section you will clarify what resources you already have to fulfill these intentions and what you will need.

Write out your intention in the header. The more you state your intention the greater chance you have to follow-through on it.

Follow the format for all of your intentions in this section. Decide which of these intentions is the most important for you right now. This will be your one thing to focus on.

Intention #1

What Resources Do I Have To Fulfill This?

What Do I Need That I Don’t Currently Have?


Write down what actions you need to take to fulfill this intention for the year to come.  Be specific.

Intention #1

Action #1

Now, decide which of these actions will take you the furthest toward your goal and number them in priority. Put a date beside the actions to set the intention to complete.

Priority #1

Continue this format for all your intentions.


Beyond your intentions for your business, or personal life, there are other dimensions you need to consider. Write down what you would like for each of the following areas.

  • My Emotional Life
  • My Family Life
  • My Professional Life
  • My Spirituality
  • My Stress-Management
  • My Creativity
  • My Health and Wellness
  • Other


If you put all this together, what does YOUR Big Picture look like? What will your life look like when you fulfill your intentions, and take the right kind of actions to get you there? Be specific.

My Big Picture:

FINALLY….by making a commitment to yourself to pursue these intentions diligently you are stating your intent with conviction.


By setting these intentions in writing, I am declaring that this is what I want, and I’m prepared to do what’s necessary to reach fulfillment of these intentions. I will honor the commitment I am making here today, and ask my community, the world and the universe to support me in obtaining this.



PRINT out your intentions and keep them where you can check in on them each week to stay on track.

Related: So... You Want To Do a TEDx Talk?