Bing Proves Growth Potential from A.I.

Microsoft reports that Bing daily users have increased to about 100 million dailies. That is an increase of about 30 % since the integration with A.I. a few months ago. It also illustrates the importance of context and relativity in understanding progress.

  • Specifically, it represents only 10 % of Alphabets 1 billion daily users
  • There is not enough data to evaluate the depth of those visits or the continuation of the visits or growth.

Nevertheless, it illustrates excitement and potential for the new technology 

AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks, and how humans learn, decide, and work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of developing intelligent software and systems. The goals of AI are to create expert systems-The systems which exhibit intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain, and advice its users. AI has been significant in various fields such as: Gaming, Natural Language Processing ,Expert Systems ,Vision Systems, Speech

Related: Will AI Turn You Into a Domesticated Animal?