Dating After Divorce with Michelle Jacoby

Just because you got divorced doesn’t mean you’ll never find love again.

Michelle Jacoby, a dating-after-divorce specialist, believes you can have another amazing love, and even marriage.

In this episode, Leah Jones is joined by Michelle, a dating coach and professional matchmaker, to discuss her advice and tips for women dating post-divorce as outlined in her book Never Waste Time On The Wrong Man Again!

Michelle and Leah discuss:

  • How Michelle’s own divorce kick-started her career as a professional matchmaker 
  • Common mistakes women make when dating after divorce (and how to avoid them)
  • Setting boundaries and following them when you start dating 
  • Dating as a single parent, and the importance of choosing a partner who ‘blends into your family’
  • What it means to put yourself out there and doing the work to get what you want

Related: Empowering Your Divorce By Building a Community