11 Most Read Articles of the Week!

1. How To Create a Sense of Urgency

“Let me think about it.” How many times have you heard that from a client? You feel the suggestion is in their best interest. They do not see any reason to make an immediate decision. How can you move this up higher on their priority list? — Bryce Sanders

2. 5 Points That Align Interests for an Advisor and Your Firm

A key to success for an advisory firm hiring other advisers is making sure that you align the interests of both parties.  That is, getting the behaviour you want as an employer while ensuring that the new adviser is most likely to be getting the outcomes they want too. — Tony Vidler

3. The 2023 Investing Outlook As The Fed Pivots

The big question heading into 2023 is the dreaded “R” word. Can the U.S. economy avoid a “recession” amid the most aggressive rate hiking campaign by the Federal Reserve since 1980? Anything is certainly possible. However, with economic activity impacted by higher rates and inflation, the odds of a recession seem elevated. — Lance Roberts

4. Advisors: Can You Embrace the Struggle?

When life is challenging it’s easy to sit there wishing that things were easier. We all want to win and succeed and to have things materialise just as we envisaged. Yet the source of maximum fulfilment is not ease. It’s struggle. — Brett Davidson

5. Social Security Remains Prime Territory for Advisor Guidance

Advisors looking for a topic to be leveraged for the purposes of client engagement need not look much further than Social Security. Of course, this subject is most applicable to older clients and with thousands of baby boomers retiring on a daily basis, Social Security is a pertinent subject for a broad swath of clients. Social Security is also taking on added importance due to inflation and the simultaneous weakness in stocks and bonds this year. Plus, a variety of data points confirm relevance of Social Security in advisor/client relationships. — Todd Shriber

6. The Market’s Foghorn Is Blowing, but Few Heed Its Warning

Often, boaters take the warning blow of a foghorn for granted and disregard it. However, all skippers seem to pay attention when they hear the scraping of their hull against a reef. The yield curve is a financial foghorn of sorts. Currently, it is bellowing that something is drastically wrong. As evidenced by earnings growth estimates for 2023, financial skippers are going about their business as if a recession is unlikely. — Michael P. Lebowitz

7. The Future of Crypto for Wall Street and Main Street with Aaron Kaplan

Joining Doug today is Aaron Kaplan Co-Chief Executive Officer at Prometheum. Prometheum provides a solution for digital asset securities investing — bringing together a blockchain-powered platform with the benefits of a securities-regulated marketplace. Doug & Aaron conversations about the regulatory history and what he thinks the future may hold on the heels of the collapse of one of the largest cryptocurrency trading platforms FTX. — Wall & Main

8. The Future of Money, According to Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin is the leading thinker around smart contracts and blockchain, as well as being the inventor of ETH, the currency, and Ethereum, the platform. A really bright guy and always worth a listen. So, I was interested in his latest blog about the future of where all this is going, which he published this past week. — Chris Skinner

9. Washington On Edge: Who Else Has Sam Bankman-Fried Infected?

It will take months — or longer — to sort out the damage Sam Bankman-Fried has done to Washington’s political class. The lure of campaign contributions is irresistible, regardless of the donor. — Greg Valliere

10. Top Factors Influencing Financial Decisions

Investors have an immense number of factors that could influence how they make decisions and look at their financial life. Sometimes the influences are easy to see and understand, while others are more subtle and less noticeable. It is challenging for investors to not only reconcile these influences, but also to identify them. Knowing why you are making a decision can often be just as important as the decision itself. — Catherine McBreen

11. Holistic Advisor Business Models Meet Client Demand

Holistic financial advice has become an increasingly important topic of discussion and debate across the industry. Much has been said by advisors and wealth management firm leaders about this advisor business model but, most important, is the reality that financial consumers have come to expect a more highly personalized advice experience that combines digital, virtual, and human interaction on a broader range of products and services. — Bill Hortz