5 Quick Tips for Communicating Your Vision Effectively

Building on what Ty & I have shared on clarifying your vision & purpose, let’s move on to communicating your vision.

Once you have come down the mountain (or out of your retreat) with a new clarity of thinking, how do you communicate in a way that engages others? What ideas can help you do that better?

To contribute to this part of our discussion, I’m delighted to welcome back experienced leadership coach Kevin Watson. He’s helped many leaders and teams get clearer on their vision. He’s also shared with us before on the related topics of being a leaderquestions to inspire goals & self-awareness.

Over to Kevin to share his quick tips for communicating your vision…

Communicating your vision is a key part of your job as a leader

As a leader, it’s your job to communicate a compelling vision to engage and mobilise others.

Defining purpose and helping bring clarity to a vision is a critical part of any leader’s role, whether this be for the organisation as a whole, the department or team. 

But, how can you communicate your vision effectively, so others are inspired to follow? 

Some useful tips to consider when preparing

Here are some useful tips to consider, as you prepare to communicate your new (or refreshed) vision to your team.

1. Use Visuals

You’ve heard the old saying “a picture tells a thousand words“? Well, it’s so true! 

Use visuals to create a clear picture for your team of where you want to be, and where you are now. Be imaginative and creative, by creating mood boards or simple slide decks that can be used across a whole range of media. 

2. Explain the Context

Explain why you’re following this route of action and what’s in it for your team. When people are given the context, it is so much simpler to work out what and how.

Answer these simple questions:

3. Anticipate Questions

Put yourself in the shoes of the cynics and come up with all the tough questions that they may come out with. Being prepared can help deal with those awkward questions that can derail the leader.

4. Support with Media

Why not provide a supporting video to bring the vision to life. Alternatively, a well thought out brochure or short presentation that explains things fully. 

People may want to take it away and show it to friends and family.

5. Create a Space

Create space where people can have their questions or concerns answered. As with any change, it is important to let people have their say, sometimes by simply listening and not attempting to explain or justify.

Most of all, share your vision with everyone, at every opportunity. Allow it to permeate the culture and be part of everything you do.

How & when will you apporoach communicating your vision?

Thanks to Kevin for those helpful tips. Reminders that every leader should consider (including those working in data, analytics or insight). As we close this post on communicating, here are two quotes from Kevin to give you further food for thought:

“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. ~ Ralph Lauren

We are more in need of a vision or destination and a compass (a set of principles or directions) and less in need of a road map.“ ~ Stephen Covey

I hope they help inspire you as a leader to focus in this area. Many data, analytics & insight teams feel rudderless right now. The changes this year have been disturbing & they lack any certainty about the future. Leaders who focus on communicating a clear vision at this time can make all the difference to their teams. So, take action soon.

Related: How Can You Learn To Resonate With Your Audience?