10 Signs You Should Move to Texas

Written by: Peter Minkoff

They say that everything is bigger in Texas – and it goes for living there, too. The first association to this American state for a majority of people probably includes barbecue, cowboys, barrels, and sheriffs, but there is much more to it than meets the eye. In case you’re considering whether or not to move to Texas, you might want to be on the lookout for these telltale signs it’s high time you hit the house move button, lock, stock, and barrel.

1. You crave BBQ all day long

In case you’re a huge fan of all things barbecued, Texas is the perfect state for you. With grills and barbecues at every corner, the Lone Star state will make sure your appetite is always met – and with high-quality BBQ, too. So, what are you waiting for? The house move to Texas will be delectably easy if you have the right motivation for it food-wise.

2. You love awkward weather

Texas weather is unpredictable: it is as if a big kid is constantly playing with the climate condition control buttons. If you do not mind a mix of seasons during a single day and you love your summers scorching hot, you will find Texas to be situated in an ideal climate zone.

3. You’re a sucker for football

Believe it or not, Texas folks are hardcore football fans. In case you would drop everything to see a football match even if your favorite team is not in it, odds are Texas is a state you will truly feel you belong in. Still waiting? Go grab your suitcases and hit the road to Texas, Jack: we can promise you will never look back.

4. You are a fan of low taxes

In case you’re looking to save a fortune on taxes, you’ll be thrilled to hear Texas has a generous tax policy. According to Time Magazine, Texas is at the top of low-tax American states and it collects about USD 3,500 in tax per resident as against California with USD 4,900 and New York with USD 7,400. Do not wait for too long to make the move and be sure to look into the offer of Brownsville apartments: taxes, house prices and flat rentals here are rigged in your favor. 

5. You love nature and sunsets

Texas is famous for its scenic natural backdrops and movie-grade sunsets, which is yet another reason why you are bound to feel at home here. For a dose of adventure, hit the outdoors on a camping trip – you’ll love every minute of the adventure throughout the big outdoors!

6. You love locally grown grubs

Make no mistake: Texas folks love their fruits and vegetables fresh and they excel at agriculture. If you deeply appreciate a home-made meal prepared with locally grown produce, this American state and its delectable menu will definitely live up to your highest culinary criteria.

7. You appreciate simplicity

In case you are a fan of the simple pleasures of life and prefer your life in the chill mode, hit the American south. Here you can grab a can of beer and kick off your cowboy boots on a porch with a shotgun in your lap and a trusty version of Old Yeller by your side.

8. You’re up for rodeos

Whether you prefer to watch it or take part in it, rodeo is a huge pastime deal in America’s south. If you would like to spend your weekend afternoons enjoying great rodeo with your mates, head over to Texas and find yourself a house with a porch, horse, dog, and a pair of blazing guns (not necessarily in that order).

9. You aren’t a quitter

If a horse knocks you down a bunch of times and you still have what it takes to get up, dust yourself off, and jump right back into the saddle, Texas fits your bill like a charm. Stubbornness, hard work, endurance and perseverance are landmark features of Texans, which is another reason you will find your home and quite a few folks after your heart here in a matter of weeks.

10. You love long road trips

In case you are a huge fan of long road trips and do not mind spending half of your life in a van, Texas will take you into its lap and treat you with tons of adventures and fun times. Still, beware and be warned: once you embark on your exploration of America’s south, you will be hooked in a matter of days and you will never be able to outgrow the addiction to the life on the road.

Are you ready to become a Texan? Pack your bags and go and try your luck down there in America’s south – you will fall in love with life all over again and you will not be moving from the Lone Star state for years, if ever. Good luck!

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