Understanding How Your Client’s Past and Future Impacts Financial Decisions Today

Your client isn’t just the person sitting in front of you today. It’s who they will become 30 years from now. And, it’s who they were 30 years ago.

They might be making a decision in the present. But, our decisions in the present are shaped by the experiences of our past and influenced by our vision of the future.

When you work with human beings and money, it’s crucial that you fully understand the powerful forces that the past and future play on your client in the present.

In this episode, we’ll look at:

  • How our past experiences with money carry forward into the present
  • The two ways in which our current self makes decisions to the detriment of our future self
  • Two client stories on the power of the past and the future
  • How to help clients understand their past to drive better outcomes
  • Two ways to improve the client’s connection to their future self

Related: Creating a Unique Money Vision To Build a Client’s Ideal Life