Let's Talk About Your Money and Your Taxes

Money. It’s not the easiest subject to talk about or the most comfortable.

But today, you can rely on Royal Standley’s experience as he sheds more light on important subjects to help you plan for your financial future. This episode is all about understanding what different ways of gaining and saving money could mean for your tax return.Related: How New Tax Laws Could Affect Your Retirement and Tax Return

In today’s episode, you will learn:

  • About qualified and non-qualified money and how they affect your taxes
  • Whether it is possible to transfer money from an old 401(k) to a new 401(k)
  • Why Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s are some of the most powerful retirement-planning tools
  • Why it’s beneficial to roll money into only one or two accounts
  • About the advantages of a Roth 401(k) and a Roth 403b
  • About different types of annuities
  • And more!
  • Tune in now and gain clarity about money, savings, and tax time!

    Resources: Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, Inc.