Josh Robbins: The Value of the Intentional and Unapologetic Splurge

Growing up with dad Tony Robbins taught Josh Robbins the value of the intentional and unapologetic splurge. Josh Robbins shares the no-regrets story of his 11-year old self blowing a huge sum of money on one of the most memorable days of his life.

In Josh’s money story you will learn:

-The lessons Josh learned being behind the scenes at his dad, Tony Robbins events

-How at age 11 Josh started his own business

-Josh’s sales strategy

-The unexpected way Josh spent his profits

In Josh’s lesson you will learn:

-Josh’s philosophy on material goods vs. experiences

-His thoughts on whether he should have invested his profits in the market

-Josh’s take on side-hustles

-Josh’s advice on how to find more time to accomplish your goals

-Josh’s warning about social media and Netflix

In Josh’s Money Tip you will learn:

-How to find out what fees your are paying in your 401(k)

-How the law concerning 401(k) fee disclosure has changed

-What level of fees is considered too high

-What to do if your plan is costing you too much

-The financial consequences of even a 1 percent increase in fees

Related: The Investing Secret Kevin O’Leary’s Mother Kept From Him Her Entire Life

In my take you will learn:

-Why I at first disagreed with Josh’s financial decision, and how he changed my perspective

-The value of shared experiences and the memories from them

-The financial impact of how you choose to spend you time, not just your money

- Strategies to invest in yourself

Episode links:

To check what you are paying in your 40 (k) go to

To learn more about Josh Robbins and America’s Best 401 (k)

Tony Robbins donates all of his book proceeds to Feeding America.

To learn more about Tony Robbins Feeding America: