Unpopular Opinion: Social Media Matters Now More Than Ever

Who else finds themselves not prioritizing posting on LinkedIn? It is a perpetual cycle: forgetting to capture moments at conferences, neglecting to bookmark that industry goldmine of an article and letting time stretch between intending to share and actually hitting that post button. 

To add salt to the wound, these staggering LinkedIn statistics are too convincing to keep LinkedIn on the back burner.  

  • Pages that post weekly have 5.6x more followers than those posting monthly.*

  • Company messages have 561% further reach when shared by employees than the same messages shared by a company page.*

  • 6 out of every 10 LinkedIn users are interested in industry insights.**

  • Company messages are shared 24-times more frequently when employees post content.*

  • Images typically result in a 2x higher comment rate.*

  • Leads developed through employee social marketing convert 7x more frequently than other leads.***

If the aforementioned is fueling your motivation but you find yourself uncertain about the ideal topics for your posts, worry not—we've got you covered. With summer almost behind us and conference season ramping up, consider sharing your experiences from the conferences you or your company is participating in. Need an extra nudge? Brace yourself for the magic words: FREE social media post captions tailored for events. You can snag them here. And if you're aiming to gain more comments on your posts, explore our collection of FREE conference-themed image post templates here. Zero excuses, my friend.

Disclaimer Alert: LinkedIn is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency is key. Sure, everything we've laid out above will boost your presence, but let’s keep it real. This is not a ticket to overnight influencer superstardom. Consider this the first step into your online presence journey. 

Related: People Are Drawn to Individuals, Not Enterprises

*LinkedIn **Buffer ***Sociabble