Ideas to Implement - Level One of the Systems To Scale Framework: Define

This week we are kicking off a podcast series! As you may or may not know, I have a framework that I’ve developed over the last nearly two decades in this business that I use to help advisors streamline their businesses. I call it the Systems to Scale Framework™ . Essentially, I’ve taken all the big processes and micro processes and have organized them for you! This is the framework that we work off of for our group coaching program… which kicks off August 24th and the signups for that start happening here in the next couple of weeks!

Essentially there are 6 layers that these processes fall into, so I think of it like a cake. Each layer has its own ingredients and when you add all the right ingredients in the right order, layer after layer, you end up with a super sweet delicious business—and a life that you love.

Over the next 6 weeks together we’re going to dive into each of these 6 levels. There is: Define, Create, Attract, Systematize, Scale, and Lead. Each week we’ll walk through the layer,what’s involved, I’ll give you a roadmap to build out that level.

In today’s episode, I’m going to describe each of the 6 levels of the System to Scale Framework™ and we’ll dive right into the first level… DEFINE. Throughout this series I’m going to try to throw a bunch of resources, guides, templates, etc at you! These are some awesome resources to help you build out each of these levels in your business.

Related: Growing Your Team: From Advisor to CEO with Guest Jeremy Straub