Find the Hidden Content Marketing Treasures in Your Website

Content marketing can feel like a full-time job. Keeping your website filled with fresh and new content is no easy task. You make time to write new blog posts each week. You craft social media posts and even manage to get a Facebook Live video completed, but did you know you have hidden content marketing treasures in your website that might take less time and create more Google juice for you? All you have to do is find these treasures in the attic of your website and dust them off a bit.

If you have been creating content regularly for a couple years or more, you will discover when going through your old blog posts, videos, and website pages, one of three things:

  • Your writing has gotten better. Your voice is more confident in your industry expertise. You are adding more helpful or interesting content in each post.
  • New developments or discoveries have happened that could change or enhance the writing.
  • You are more confident or smoother in front of the camera—or as in my case, less cheesy and more helpful!
    [old video from 2010 on Tweetdeck …I’m holding a paddle! AYE AYE AYE]
  • This holds true on every piece of content you have created over the years; Our website may still contain outdated content about our services or even in how we describe ourselves. Our videos, website copy, and lead magnets, to name a few, could all use a bit of sprucing up. Some pieces will just need a couple tweaks, some more of a makeover, and still others, you may want to drag out to the trash and start over. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Don’t assume all old content needs to be redone. You may have a very well performing post that you wrote back in 2010 and it is still driving traffic to your site. Perhaps adding some additional, more relevant content could boost it even more. To decide on which content gets the little duster, which gets the power sander for a makeover, and which get placed out on the curb for trash pick-up, you can use a couple of methods:

  • Use Your Google Analytics Report.

    Look at your high performing pages and blog posts and look at your low performing pages and blog posts. Did you write a blog post and no one found it? Perhaps a new title or a bit more research to add in could bring new interest. Do you have pages on your site that are no longer relevant? Perhaps it’s time to make them more of a helpful resource to your target audience.

  • Use Your Social Media Analytics.

    Which of your posts get shared and liked? Which posts are resonating with your audience? Look at the types of posts and content that gets the most traction. Is it video content? Lists or beefy research? Create more of what people are consuming.

  • Use Your Gut.

    When I read through old posts or watch some of my videos from seven or eight years ago, I cringe. I cry. I get therapy, and then I either delete and redo the posts and videos to make them something I am proud of. You will know when you read or watch old content, which needs to be just dusted off and which needs to be burned in the trash heap!

  • If you select one or two pages per week (webpage copy, blog posts, videos, etc.) and make a few changes and updates, you will find it is much faster than starting a new post from scratch and it can boost your search rankings immediately. Even taking an old post, deleting or unpublishing it and then rewriting it can take less time than starting from scratch.

    Once you get that new piece of content completed, promote the heck out of it. Write three social media posts worded slightly different, and schedule them to post and promote that piece of content.