3 Common (But Terrible) Niches For Financial Advisors

70% of financial advisors who clear over 7-figures per year have something in common:  They have a niche, which gives them “expert” status in their market’s minds and makes scaling to 7-figures (and beyond) a cakewalk. 

So, why don’t more financial advisors niche down?  Well, many do, but they commit massive mistakes which wipes out the benefits. Or they overcomplicate picking their niche, and wind up with a “niche” that only includes 10 people. 

But don’t worry. Niching is easier than you think, especially after you listen to this episode. 

In this episode, I reveal 3 common (but terrible) niches for financial advisors, how to simplify your niche, and why this can turn you into a millionaire financial advisor by the end of this year. Listen now.

Show highlights include:

  • How to “flip” a prospective client’s objection that money isn’t important to earn a client for life (2:55) 
  • Why following digital marketing advice from other financial advisors will dry up your sales pipeline like the Sahara (4:13) 
  • How to send out a direct mail campaign today and land a new client by next week (even if everyone else says direct mail doesn’t work) (5:14) 
  • Want to triple or quadruple your annual income this year? Here’s the simple, yet effective way to do this (5:39) 
  • The insidious way big demographic groups masquerade as niches and almost guarantee you land no clients (6:27) 
  • Why picking business owners as your niche is a surefire way to waste your time without growing your business (7:43) 
  • The “Layering” technique for picking a niche where almost no competition exists (and where you can play the marketing game on “easy mode”) (10:52) 
  • The “Obvious” approach to picking a niche that’s profitable, fun, and unlocks a surge of eager clients (15:02)

Related: How To Create A Marketing Plan That Aligns With Your Unique Goals