How Donor Advised Funds Be Used for Estate Planning

Did you know you can set up a Donor Advised Fund during your lifetime or as part of your estate planning?

In this episode, Nicole is joined by Private Vista’s very own Sean Julian to discuss the concept of donor-advised funds (DAFs), which are charitable giving vehicles. Sean explains how DAFs work, the flexibility they offer, and the benefits of using them for charitable giving. They also touch on tax strategies, such as using appreciated securities and “bunching” charitable gifts. The speakers emphasize the importance of working with a CPA and starting the process early.

Sean discusses: 

  • Sean’s background in financial planning and expertise in helping clients achieve their financial goals
  • Some exciting news for Sean and her family this year 
  • The benefits of using DAFs, such as tax deductions and the strategy of “bunching” charitable gifts
  • And more

Related: Breaking Down Annuities with Steve Merdinger