
How do you greet people?

Not some of the time. 
Every time?

The musician, Moby, was at a function where one of his icons was in attendance.

Neil Young

Star struck, he mentioned to the host of his state of awe.
He was asked if he wanted to meet him.
It was just a few feet away.

Moby immediately declined, saying what if that moment …
For that instance, Neil was a ‘jerk’ …
That would ruin everything!
All the good he had built up in his mind over many years. 

He bailed at the chance. 

You never know who you’re going to bump in to.
Who is going to email you.
Call you.
DM you.

You never know if that is the one person who admires you.
The one who is dying to say just a few words.
To say something nice.
Give you a boost.

When people connect.
Even for just a moment or two.
It’s potential.

What’s your policy?
Your ideal?
How do you handle this interaction?

It’s certainly not easy to always be on.
But you must be something …

So why not be open?

Each and every time.

Your Moby could be just around the corner ...

Related: Words