Inclusive Leaders Fuel Ideas and Innovation Through Collaboration

“No man is an island…” said English poet John Donne back in 1624 and his wisdom certainly resonates today. In an era of information overload, inclusive leaders must realize that their best ideas can be fueled by input and collaboration.

In an era of information overload, inclusive leaders must realize that their best ideas can be fueled by input and collaboration.

Collaboration can be challenging in organizations that follow the traditional, hierarchical structure where employees work in “silos.” When functions are defined in a very narrow way, conflicts can occur.

Moving from a command and control, hierarchical structure can take time and may create some conflicts. Those conflicts, though, don’t necessarily reflect pushback.

Collaborative leaders know that they can leverage radically different viewpoints to create better solutions. They recognize that, when it comes to successfully leading organizations and initiatives, 1+1 doesn’t equal 2—it equals some far greater number than this fueled by the power of diverse viewpoints. It’s taking a little bit of what’s right from my idea, a little bit of what’s right from your idea, a little bit of what’s right from others’ ideas and bringing all of these insights together into a far more powerful result.

How are you fueling new ideas and innovation in your organization? Are you exhibiting the behaviors of inclusive leaders? Are you being collaborative? Collaborate for better business results. Be inclusive!