The 3 Roles Any Entrepreneur Financial Advisor Must Play

In business, when you hear someone talk about the CEO’s role in a company, your first thought is that they’re the leader and top decision-maker for the company. 

What if we told you that there are two other integral roles in a company that also fall under the CEO umbrella? 

In this episode, Referral Coach Bill Cates speaks with Travis Chaney, CEO of Dynamic Directions (D2). Bill and Travis talk about the three essential CEO roles in a company that every entrepreneur financial advisor should know about.

Bill and Travis discuss: 

  • The difference between an entrepreneur financial advisor and a non-entrepreneur advisor.
  • How the three CEO roles contribute to your business growth.
  • What does the concept “Client Experience” mean and why is it so important?
  • Something you can start doing with your clients today to add to their experience, create strong loyalty and make you highly referable.
  • And much more!

Related: Navigating the Ins and Outs of a Business Partnership