How Wealthy Clients Hire Advisors


In today’s episode, “How Wealthy Clients Hire Advisors and Consultants,” you will learn what affluent clients do before they hire, how they select their team, and what they rarely do.

Let’s face it, if you want to take your business and life to the next level, it is critical that you serve more affluent clients. The best way to make this a reality is to understand how wealthy clients hire advisors, how they think, and what skills and values they want their advisors to have.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The first step successful people take before hiring an advisor
  • What you need to know and do to attract more affluent prospects
  • The one thing you should not do (do this and you could get fired)
  • The most fascinating discovery about how millionaires choose their team
  • The process to make more connections and ultimately get more warm introductions
  • How successful people think about their team
  • The key decisions wealthy clients make when it comes to creating a winning team
  • The different perspectives they consider when it comes to hiring a consultant or advisor
  • What they do when hiring someone who needs different skills then they possess
  • The mindset successful people possess and how you can develop it (this is a must do if you want to succeed)
  • Why they often avoid the most common recommendations on how to hire a rock star team member (or long term employee)
  • The best insight on hiring the right team member (do this, and you can’t help but succeed)

First published in

Related: Why Affluent Clients Fire Advisors