Expanding Your Prospect List: 3 Effective Strategies


Today, you will learn the wealth coach and financial advisor lead generation strategy to grow your prospect list in three easy steps.

Early in my career, I realized that to succeed you had to master lead generation and that requires that you are consistently growing your prospect list with new qualified affluent prospects who you want to become your clients. When done correctly, the results are a game changer in your business and life.

In a survey of over 5,000 financial advisors and money coaches, the number one challenge was lack of leads. As the saying goes, the graveyard of failed advisors is filled with technical geniuses who failed in their lead generation efforts.

In today’s episode, “3 Strategies to Grow Your Prospect List,” you will learn three simple strategies to help you master prospecting to affluent clients, so it can be fun and rewarding.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The first important step that will allow you to create a list of ideal prospects
  • How to create a list of affluent clients and business owners
  • The most important information you need to collect
  • What to provide your ideal prospect so they provide their information to you
  • How to get a wealthy client to agree to meet with you (This is one of my favorite insights.)
  • The analogy that gets affluent prospects to understand the importance of what you do and what you are offering
  • The best points to address so they see your value and how you can help them
  • My favorite prospecting strategy that allows you to leverage your time and resources and focus your energy on people who are serious about doing business with you
  • The three best types of events to attract clients
  • What to say when engaging with a prospect or potential client
  • The best process to discover everything you need to know about your ideal client
  • What I did (and you can too) to get a boat load of ideal prospects lined up wanting my financial advise

Related: Attracting Clients: Strategies for Virtual and In-Person Environments