Do You Struggle with Being Nice To Prospects?

An early morning friendly conversation brought up the topic of struggling with being nice to prospects. We all realize that some people are rude regardless of the type of conversation. One person recently admitted that the thought of taking a firm stand with clients for what she believes intimidates her, even though she knows she is correct according to the law. The dilemma of the situation begs the question, does one continue to appease the client or walk away to find another?

No doubt most of us have experienced the same, but how we handle the situation vastly differs. In all honesty, sometimes it is a struggle to be nice to prospects and, occasionally, a client. I always suggest that those who fear speaking up will do best by taking a public speaking class. The practice of speaking in public boosts confidence in tenuous situations.

Business growth requires that we maintain a standout brand identity by being professional at all times. Integrity comes first.

Being Nice to Prospects

The sales profession and the former entrepreneurial approach of attending many networking events gave me insight into better communications and dealing with the worst. Upon hearing an insulting statement, it is best to inquire ‘why?’ Although hard to swallow, at times, there is a gold nugget that we did not previously consider. For me, a memorable insult led me to become a published author.

As a service provider, no matter the endeavor, it is essential that we remain above board so that others know they can trust us. The sales motto states, ‘People need to know, like, and trust you so that you may sell well.’ However, it is up to the individual that meetings of any type are conversational and a two-way street to encourage further dialogue and new ideas. Respect for one another is paramount; otherwise, it is best to end the conversation.

Each person gets to decide whether it is worthwhile to continue a conversation. When the response to ‘why’ arrives, and we still disagree, it is our turn to ask how the person arrives at the belief they are expressing. The questions can open the door to an insightful conversation or slam the door shut. Most of all, when insults begin, it is always best to find another opportunity.

On the entrepreneurial side, attending an event with hundreds of others early in one’s career can feel highly intimidating. Selling taught me always to seek the other person’s perspective first. Doing so gives me insight into how to begin when it’s my turn to speak. Meeting someone for the first time, I will ask, “What caught your attention to attend today’s event?’ The answer usually reveals a specific interest and relates to the other person’s work. It then becomes easier to expand upon the conversation.

Admittedly, some conversations are stimulating, while most are typically not of interest. Time is valuable, and it’s essential to utilize the limited timeslot at the event productively. At this juncture, being nice to prospects will help avoid poor word of mouth following us. It’s best at the earliest opportunity to thank the person for taking the time to speak, albeit briefly, and wish them success at the event.

On other occasions, the people we meet are sometimes downright rude. Although we may want to run, it is not an option. In these situations, although we may be thinking negative thoughts, it’s best to smile and ask why they made the statement we just heard. Often, the response we hear can easily be turned upside down in a polite tone via a question with an opposing perspective. And if not, it’s smart to professionally find the first opportunity to end the conversation.

Finding those people willing to have an open conversation is always beneficial. Instead of enduring a struggle with being nice to prospects, we can relax and enjoy the person or people in front of us. Accordingly, it is more likely that we will not only close business but also enjoy a long-term relationship with our new clients.

You Struggle with Being Nice to Prospects?

If you struggle with being nice to prospects, reflect on the conversations that did not turn out well. Figure out if there is a commonality to past communications that did not please you. If you realize a common factor, determine how you may resolve it to avoid repetition. Taking a class or hiring a mentor to help you with communication skills and building confidence may be worthwhile.

Being confident refers to comfort with who you are today, realizing how far you have come. However, it does not translate to being egotistical. Those who behave with ego first are the ones who generally do poorly in the sales arena and most likely elsewhere.  

Gaining confidence control allows one to equal the playing field, so it’s almost an equal give and take within each conversation. Meetings of all types become more productive and meaningful. Your time becomes efficient, and productivity increases upon taking control of your communications. As others notice your efforts with being nice to prospects, they will also want to have a conversation with you.

Business should improve substantially by addressing the who, what, why, and where for your purposes. Accordingly, communicating with others will cease to be a struggle as you learn to move forward with confidence. Moreover, being nice to prospects will generate far more business.

In Conclusion:

Whether approaching prospects, meeting with current clients, or attending events, it is always best to smile and do our best to be helpful. Being mindful of conversations with the people we speak to can help us limit nightmarish predicaments. And letting go of being timid, we do our best by politely ending the conversation and walking away. The suggestions are to help avoid the mental struggle of being nice to prospects.

Sales Tips: Do You Struggle with Being Nice to Prospects?

  1. Should being nice to prospects be a struggle, consider taking a public speaking class.
  2. If class instruction is not possible, consider hiring a mentor to help build confidence.
  3. Commit to practicing asking questions in the conversation for more in-depth insights.
  4. Make it a habit to ask ‘why?’ when a statement is made and with which you disagree.
  5. Consider the frequency of encountering rude people to change your course of action.
  6. Test out varying groups to see which ones have a more hospitable attendance.
  7. Think about the clients you like, the industry they represent, and how you might meet more people within that group.
  8. Review how you communicate regarding friendliness and smiling to make potential changes.
  9. Strive to create a 50-50 conversation for talking and listening.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Related: Business Discovery Includes Personalized Conversations