5 Ways To Promote Introductions

There are two ways to be appropriately proactive for introductions:

  • Promote Introductions (Plant Seeds)
  • Ask for Introductions (Use our V.I.P.S. Method)

TODAY – I’m going to focus on Promoting Introductions. BUT before I give you some ways to do this, I want to make two preliminary points.

  • POINT #1 – I’m going to assume you are highly referable. A barometer of your referability is your unsolicited referrals/introductions.
  • POINT #2 – When you’re in front of a client, prospect, or COI, use the word Introductions. Referrals are almost worthless unless – and until – you get connected with the prospect.

5 Ways to Promote Introductions

1. “As we go through the process, I’d like to alert you to something…”

Do you bring noticeable value to your prospects before they even become clients? Do they thank you for meeting with them (and for your insight), even before signing on the dotted line? If so, then you’re a candidate for this method.

Angela – As we go through this process of determining what makes sense for you, I’d like to alert you to something that’s very common. You may very well find yourself thinking of other people who should probably, at least, know about the work I do. If that happens, please let me know. We’ll certainly stay focused on you for this meeting and at the end, chat a bit to see if it makes sense for you to introduce me to them.

2. “It’s great that George introduced us to each other.”

Every time you meet a new prospect through an introduction, celebrate it. Talk to them about the person you know in common. Let them know this is the way most people prefer to meet a financial professional.

Cyndee, it’s great that George introduced us to each other. I’ve found that when people see the value in the work I do, and introduce me to others as a result, everyone feels more comfortable. It’s how people most people prefer to meet a financial professional I’m curious, what did George say that sparked your interest in meeting with me?

3. “If you identify someone you think should know about this important work, I’ve discovered a great way to proceed with that.”

Two of the main reasons why people are unwilling to give referrals are 1) they are concerned about confidentiality, and 2) they don’t know how you’ll handle the referrals, so it becomes a perceived risk for them. Here’s how to neutralize these possible concerns:

Joe, there’s something I want to run by you. Many of my clients, from time to time, like to introduce me and the work I do to others. If you identify someone you think should know about this important work, I’ve discovered a great way to proceed with that.\

I don’t like to contact people without them knowing a little bit about who I am and why I’m reaching out. I don’t like to surprise people and make them wonder, ‘Why did Joe give my number out to this person?’ Make sense? [Sure does.] I’ve found that working through introductions is a much better way to go for everyone. So, when you identify someone you think should know about the work I do, we can craft an introduction that will feel comfortable to you, will feel comfortable to them, and just might spark their interest a bit in hearing from me. How does that sound? [Sounds good. Thanks.]

4. “Here’s who we serve the best…”

If you only want certain types of individuals, then educate your clients about who you serve the best… for whom your processes are best suited. This method works to promote the possibility of introductions as well as increase the chances of them only sending the right types of folks to you.

Susie, many of my clients like to recommend me to others, and should that opportunity present itself to you, I thought it would be good for you to have a sense for whom our processes are best geared these days – for whom we’re doing our best work.

We’ve made the strategic decision to focus on long-term employees in ABC, Inc. Folks, like yourself, who have worked here for at least 10 years or more.

As you have experienced firsthand, we are quite familiar with your company’s benefits package – the strengths and the gaps. We’ve received calls from your HR department asking for perspective on a few things.

Anyway, this focus and expertise, allow us to bring solutions and opportunities to our clients that most financial professionals simples can’t bring. Am I making sense?

5. The Golden Rule of Introductions

As you give, you receive. And how you give models how others might give to you. You can increase your odds for higher-quality connections by how you make introductions for others. Let’s say you’re recommending an attorney to your client to update their estate planning. Don’t just give out a name and phone number. Make a connection. Get permission for the attorney to call your client.

I’ll have Mack give you a call to get this started.

This serves Mack, it serves your client (because they finally get their Will done) and it serves you. Then call your client in a few days to make sure Mack has called and everything is going smoothly.

Make Introductions Unto Others As You Would Have Them Made Unto You.

Promoting Introductions Accomplishes 4 Important Things:

  • Promoting introductions plants the seed for introductions later.
  • Promoting introductions sometimes generates introductions on the spot.
  • How your prospects, clients, and COIs respond to you promoting introductions provides insight into how they feel about making introductions. This can help you to determine if and when you might ask them more directly.
  • Promoting introductions contributes to the overall culture of introductions you want to establish within your firm and with your clients.

Related: The Two Keys To Asking for Referrals Again and Again