Topics to Turn Advisors into Content Writing Pros

Written by: Shereen Mohammed

We are constantly hearing from financial marketers that advisors say that they that they struggle to write valuable contentso they feel don’t have the time to write blogs, or they don’t know what to write about. This doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task, in fact, it can be very simple. To make this easier, this, we looked at some of the most successful articles written by advisors and wanted to categorize them into themes so other advisors could get inspiration on the kind of topics they could start blogging about.With a list of topic ideas, advisors can simply pick one and start writing. An advisor is able to write an infinite amount of posts surrounding these themes. Here are 5 topics that advisors can use to get started on their blogging journey.

Seasonal content

One easy way to start writing blog articles would be to piggyback on topics that people are already thinking about. As we approach the holiday season, there are topics, either personal or generic, that would resonate with an advisor’s audience. “My 5 Money Saving Tips for Holiday Shopping”, is both a personal article and a seasonal topic that many would be interested in reading. Examples of seasonal content include, summer planning, back to school, planning for spring break, etc.Another approach to seasonal content could be related to finance. When it’s tax planning or RRSP/401K season, writing articles related to these topics makes sense as these are topics that people are naturally thinking about or they are searching on Google for keywords related to these topics.

Leveraging topics in the news

As they say, there is always something going on in the news. An advisor can share their personal view on the news stories or help relate the impacts the events have on their clients’ finances. This allows the blog post to gain more visibility through the increase in search traffic that the topic is already getting.For example, an advisor could share insights into how Brexit will affect Canadian investors. Writing these types of articles helps build relationship and for clients and prospects to get to know their advisor.

Share something personal

People will be more inclined to partner and want to work with advisors they like, they can trust, and ultimately, that they can relate to. The way to get an audience to relate to an advisor is for the advisor to share something personal. Advisors can share something about a recent vacation they took with their family or what they did on the weekend with their kids. When people get a peek into someone’s life, it provides a way to build connection. Maybe this article will resonate with a few people in an advisor’s target audience.By encouraging advisors to share personal content, this helps to build rapport with clients. When client meetings take place, there’s a higher chance a client might bring up a recent blog article as a conversation starter. This is a great way to connect and build relationship with your clients.Related: Why Advisors Need Their Own Online Presence As we approach the holiday season, there are topics, either personal or generic, that would resonate with an advisor’s audience.

Market updates

While this may also be a section on your website, sharing market commentary or market updates in a blog article can also be a topic people want to read. An advisor can provide the entire market updateor the blog could be an introduction to it and then link to the full update on a page of an advisor’s website.The benefit of for an advisor writing their own market update, instead of using one that has been provided by your enterprise marketing team, is that the advisor’s audience audience can go to another advisor’s blog and read that exact same market update. If advisors write their own market update, this is another way they can show their expertise on what is taking place in the market. People will connect with someone who is real and tells it like it is.

Lifestyle Content

People enjoy reading lifestyle content that is relevant to them. Topics like healthy living, budgeting, and vacation planning are always interesting topics. By sharing these types of articles, it creates a way that an audience can relate to an advisor and what’s important to them. An article like “My Life Changing Tips for Squeezing in Exercise When You Have No Time”, can resonate with the busy professionals who know it’s important to exercise but just not sure how to make time for it.As advisors write this type of content, it encourages their audience to live a healthy lifestyle. Your advisors want to help their clients to live their best life possible both financially and personally. When advisors write and share content that helps them do just that, it adds value to their life. Clients and prospects will feel like their advisors truly care about their well-being.


There is no shortage of ideas of topics that advisors can write about. This article is just to get the ball rolling with five ideas. Getting over the hurdle of what topics to write about is a big first step. Now that you have some ideas to share with your advisor network, on what they can write about, and they have no excuse not to start writing. Your team of advisors might find our recent article, 10 Step Process for Advisors to Start Blogging useful in writing a successful blog article.

This article was originally posted on Veriday's company website . Veriday is a software company focused on digital engagement.