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Political analysts view Sheinbaum as a technocrat, she is also part of a left-leaning party with strong ideologies and aims to centralize power. #Mexico
In the last 10 years, markets like Taiwan and India have kept up with the U.S., returning 12.3% and 10.1% respectively, compared to 12.0% for U.S.#markets
Artificial intelligence has the potential to drive a new wave of opportunities to improve efficiency, customization and agility in investment management.
The cost of auto insurance has rendered it unaffordable for many, leading to a rise in uninsured motorists, from 11% of drivers in 2019 to 14% in 2022.
AUM is considered dry powder, capital that has been raised but has not yet been committed, its growth and implications for credit markets cannot be ignored
Growth of housing units occupied by renters outpaced the growth of units occupied by owners, despite accounting for only a third of the housing stock #home
Exit activity has been surprising as public equity markets repeatedly reach all-time highs this year, valuations rise, and earnings expectations improve.
Even during periods of tight spreads, credit performance has tended to be positive with annualized total returns averaging 2.6% for IG and 3.9% for HY.
A massive inter-generational wealth transfer, women are expected to control much of the $30 trillion in financial assets baby boomers will possess by 2030.
Europe and Japan, the return of inflation and positive interest rates is a game changer: earnings have improved as a result of higher end-consumer prices.
Cut rates in 14 years without a recession and in 13 of those years or 93% of the time the market was positive and returned on average an impressive 15.6%.
After three tough years for Chinese equities, valuations incorporate a lot of cyclical and structural uncertainty and suggest a tactical rebound ahead.
Small caps are at attractive valuations, quality in large caps may be more beneficial in the year ahead, and mid-caps provide a compelling middle ground.
The number of tankers transiting through the Red Sea have fallen by more than half over the past six months, suggesting passages have already redirected.
FOMC voted to leave the Federal funds rate unchanged at a target range of 5.25%-5.50% and strongly hinted it is finished hiking interest rates this cycle.
Performance in developed markets excluding the U.S. has been much less concentrated year-to-date: the top 10 companies in the index are up 13.7% #markets