Why Content and MarTech Can't Exist Autonomously

If you stay on top of marketing trends, you know that they’re continually changing thanks to technology.

Content marketing isn’t new, but has emerged as the top way for financial advisors and their companies to differentiate themselves from their competition in 2018. Original content can be incredibly effective if you know about keywords, SEO, embedding, and can create content (video, podcasts) that engages people with your brand . But content is only half of the story and it can’t exist on its own. Proficient marketers know they need to use technology for the delivery and analytics of content, and to take the work out of producing it while getting the results they desire. If you’re creating videos, writing blogs and white papers, or podcasting, without delivery through MarTech no one will notice.

Content has become big business as brands are buying out others and the rights to all of the content.

For you as an advisor or marketing department employee, producing original content must be a part of your marketing strategy and should be a separate budget category in addition to advertising. It is crucial that someone steps up at your organization and takes on being in charge of content. Where else can you build an audience other than through content marketing? The best part is that the audience is coming because you’re inviting them. Remember no one shows up to the party if they don’t know about it. If you only have the content and not the MarTech to deploy it, you’re really only ‘half marketing’ and won’t benefit with autonomous marketing beliefs. It just doesn’t work.

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The content strategy team needs the appropriate MarTech solutions, or their content creation will only be placeholders on your website, not an engagement strategy that continually changes to hold the audience’s attention. Everyone in the company needs to participate in sharing the content to their social media accounts or send to their clients through a digital newsletter.

When evaluating MarTech solutions to deploy your content you must consider the application (device) it will be implemented on. For example, when developing your website you should’ve thought about the mobile view. The same holds true with the software being used to distribute your content . It should have delivery capability to view on any device (mobile), email delivery application (newsletter), and social media automated posting. If it doesn’t, don’t spend your money on software that only delivers to one platform. Lastly, if you’re looking for analytics, the MarTech solution should provide it or be able to ‘plug-in’ another software to give you the data you’re looking for to justify the MarTech and content spend.