How Often Should You Add New Content to Your Website for Best SEO Results?

Have you ever wondered how often you should be posting new content to your website? Or how to get better SEO results for you and your company?

In today's video Samantha Russell, Chief Evangelist for Twenty Over Ten and FMG Suite, goes over how often you should be adding new content to your website for the best SEO results. 

What's the magic number or the sweet spot if you will, for how often you should be blogging, that's what we're going to talk about today, as well as whether you should be using evergreen content or timely content on those blog posts. I'm Samantha Russell, Chief Evangelist at FMG Suite and Twenty Over Ten and let's jump right in.

So this is a great question and one we get asked a lot. And we did a study back in 2019 where we asked the financial advisors that were both part of Twenty over Ten, as well as those not using Twenty Over Ten services to tell us, how often are you adding fresh, original content to your blogs? And then we went and asked a couple of other questions, How many leads are you getting every month? How many of those leads turn into clients per year? We asked them questions about their current website, all kinds of things. And then we went and looked at all of the respondents website. So we had about 260 people participate in this study. And what we found is those who ended up saying that they get 6 to 10. That was one category or 11 or more new clients from digital marketing every year, not new prospects. New clients were blogging at least two times per month, and that's really consistent with a lot of other research and data, which shows that you don't need to necessarily be blogging every day or even every week.

It's important to be consistent, and at least two times a month is that minimum threshold where if you do it and you have quality over quantity, you'll be in a good spot. And especially in this industry where there's not as many people creating original content. Doing it at least twice a a month will give you a leg up.

Now Let's talk about what that content should look like. A lot of research and marketing expertise shows that Google likes pieces that are more in depth. And so you want your piece to be at least 1,000 hundred words if possible, the more granular you can get on a subject instead of being broad, the more likely you are to have a higher search engine results because there's so much content on the internet, so your piece should really be specific and hone in on a really granular subject.


You also want to add images where you can to your content so it can be stock images. It could be graphs and charts, which are really great. You could write out your post and then record a video just like I am here today. I'm recording this on my iPhone and then we'll upload it to YouTube. We can embed it back into a blog post. So you have both the video as well as the written piece, which is important because the search engine can't crawl the video and know what I'm saying. It is the same way it can crawl the words on the page.

The other thing to think about is how much of what you're going to post is going to be evergreen versus timely. So in case you've never heard of evergreen before, just think of an evergreen tree, right? It doesn't lose its leaves so it stays green. And with timely content, it's only going to really be relevant for a short period of time. Now, what I suggest doing is really have a good mix, so you might have more evergreen pieces about. Again, it needs to be still specific to your niche, so you don't want just something like the difference between a Roth and a traditional RIA. But maybe, how could that be specific to your niche audience? So you really still want to get even with your evergreen pieces specific to your audience? Right. So maybe if you're talking about the biggest mistakes you often see people making. If you work with young physicians and people just starting their residency, you could say the "Top budgeting mistakes I see the young physicians and medical residents we work with make". Right? So it's still evergreen. Those mistakes are probably going to be the same after a year or two years or three years.

Final Recap:

  1. Add fresh original content 2x per month
  2. Include a mix of evergreen & timely content

Related: Blogging vs. Vlogging: Which One is Better for Your Advisory Firm?