7 Ways To Protect Your Company's Data

The days of every important document being recorded in ink have passed. This digital age is marked by convenient technological solutions and the proliferation of professional data. The cost of having access to a huge amount of information at your fingertips can be security. Actions must be taken to carefully organize and protect your company’s data from hackers. Your company can anticipate threats and make smart choices to fortify operations now. 

1. Cloud Security

Individuals commonly use cloud storage to hold their personal data and large companies use their own versions for shared projects. Business data storage has greater stakes than family pictures and hybrid cloud management melds the best of public cloud storage with the strengths of more traditional infrastructure. A combination of cloud convenience and secure business hardware keeps high-speed work moving with significantly reduced risk. The cost of this storage may be adjusted over time to meet your company’s changing needs.

2. Encryption at Every Step

A solid firewall may still have a point of vulnerability. Encryption processes and protects your company’s data so that hackers cannot read it without the key. This lowers the incentive for hackers to launch a sustained attack on your data security defenses. Client information and records of communication are valuable and should always be encrypted. Mobile devices can be connected to encryption services so that business data is shielded in real-time.

3. No Stored Passwords

Forgetting your password is a pain but saving it on an accessible device is a security gamble. Never store professional account passwords on electronic devices or write them down in a discoverable location. This rule means no pasting reminders on monitor screens. Employees who absolutely must keep a record of multiple current passwords should consider a protected vault service. This will require you to remember one set of log-in information to access the vault’s contents. 

4. Lock Screens 

Amend device settings to enable lock screens after a certain length of idle time. Unattended and unlocked company computers or phones are major security vulnerabilities. Anyone in the vicinity of the device could access the data without barriers. Fast automatic lock screen time is insurance against distraction. Similar log-out settings can prompt systems to automatically secure accounts at regular intervals. Everyone gets swept into discussions, new ideas, or engrossing tasks on occasion and helpful device settings eliminate the stress of rushing back to your desk. 

5. Company Devices for Secure Work

The security measures on personal computer devices and phones vary widely. Professional storage and communication protections are not as effective or reliable when mixed with personal data. Providing company devices for work purposes enables your business to determine the level of fortifications on each phone or computer. Your company can establish standards of use and restrict activities appropriately. IT staff may be of assistance more quickly when all employees use the same systems and hardware.  

6. Controlled Wi-Fi Use

The private Wi-Fi on your company’s office premises is more secure than in public areas. Sensitive projects must be completed in locations where network access is controlled by your company. Hackers can infiltrate systems that are left exposed on public networks and you cannot know exactly who may be connected around the corner. Turn off the business smartphone and computer Wi-Fi until you have access to the controlled company network when you may be near questionable public networks. A virtual private network can be a more secure bridge for less sensitive tasks while you travel for business. 

7. Update Software Regularly

Enable regular software updates to patch areas of vulnerability on your devices. Malware protection is as effective as its last update. Frequent maintenance typically requires a few minutes at a time to fix potential system issues. Those minutes could save you hours or days of tackling bigger challenges.

Apply your technical skills to protect your company’s data and assure clients that you always have their best interests in mind. 

Related: Why Data Security Is So important for Businesses